An important part of the proposal process is the accurate estimation of the amount and type of “billable hours” that are requested, since this reflects the impact on the resources of both the investigator and the Centre. Billable “scanning time” is considered as any duration where the facility is being used so that another MRI experiment cannot be performed (e.g. from the time an animal is anesthetized to the time it is removed from the scanner). For the current fee schedule and cancellation policy, please click here.
Here is an overview of the different types of fees charged by the facility:
Method Development time: awarded for developing MR protocols and experimental apparatus (including RF coils) which expand the capabilities of the facility that would benefit other researchers. The amount of development time required for your project will be estimated by Centre staff, and may increase as the study progresses should it become necessary. These hours are offered free of charge. However, once the development time exceeds the allotment or becomes study specific, the hours will be considered pilot time and standard scanning time and therefore billable.
Pilot scanning time: awarded at a reduced rate when scanner time is required to test the feasibility of existing MR techniques to carry out a funded research project. Pilot time may also be awarded for short studies that are required to generate results for use in a funding application. The amount of pilot time used will depend on the specific experiment; however a 16-hour cap on pilot time will be imposed after which time subsequent scans will be charged at the standard scanning rate.
Standard scanning time: awarded for most academic grant-funded research.
Industry scanning time: awarded for industry-sponsored research.
Analysis time: investigators may decide to ask the Centre staff to perform data analysis for their experiments, especially if the analysis is beyond his/her scope or expertise. These hours will be billed separately.
Contact Piotr Kozlowski (Facility Director) or Andrew Yung (Research Scientist) to discuss your research ideas. Initial consultations will focus on the feasibility of the study. Determined on a case-by-case basis, it may be possible to run some initial feasibility tests on the scanner prior to official study approval by the Centre.